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Radio interview on AVR 97.7, Apr 15th. Audio File.
Update: Here is the AVR 97.7 “The Valley at Noon”. Dave Fineberg interviews two of our board members about the work of KCAGoG! Good brief descriptions of two of the projects we are working on. Aired at noon on Monday the 15th of April, 2013. Use the player below (click on the arrow) to hear…

Call for a National Strategy to Address Gambling-Related Harms in Wake of Sports Betting Boom
Recent gambling policy changes in Canada have led to increased opportunities to legally bet on sports and gamble online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Released today, Gambling Availability and Advertising in Canada: A Call to Action looks at the impacts of legal gambling in Canada since the approval of the Safe and Regulated Sports Betting…
District Health Authorities Launch Gambling & Substance Use Awareness Campaign
April 2, 2013 With funding from Gambling Awareness Nova Scotia (GANS) the Community Health Boards of the Colchester East Hants and Cumberland Health Authorities are today releasing a social marketing campaign aimed at bringing greater awareness of the supports and resources available to people seeking help with problem gambling behaviors or substance use. The campaign,…

NS Auditor General’s report finds lacks in Gambling Harm Prevention
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Our New Name and Website!
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Annual Report 2018
GRINS-Annual Report March2018 Kings Community Action Group on Gambling officially changed its name to Gambling Risk Informed Nova Scotia Society. This reflects our desire to reach out as a model to other regions of the province and to clarify our purpose to create an informed and caring community that promotes wellness and empowers citizens to…