Unhappy Gambling Faces
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NS Auditor General’s report finds lacks in Gambling Harm Prevention

Unhappy Gambling FacesFrom the CBC article:

‘The Nova Scotia’s Auditor General’s office has found a serious lack of monitoring when it comes to problem gambling in the province. In a just-tabled report the Auditor General’s office found “no monitoring of prevention and treatment programs meet standards Health and Wellness developed.” Few Nova Scotians are accessing government programs in place to help with problem gambling, the AG found.’

Read the full article at: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-auditor-general-targets-gambling-aquaculture-issues-1.3116676

Below is the link to download the full AG report. The relevant section is pp 61-82:
2015 – Jun – NSOAG – Full Report.


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